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Release notes for Resource Surveillance (surveilr) 0.9.13

What’s New

  1. PII and PHI Deidentification Strategy: Implementation of a scriptable deidentification process through SQL scripts for PII and PHI data stored in the SQLite database. Listed below are the SQLite functions to be implemented.
    • hash: Hash data with the SHA256 algorithm.
    • mask_address: Mask address with asterisks ”*“.
    • mask_dob: Mask DOBs with ”#“.
    • mask_phone: Replace phone number characters with ”#“.
    • anonymize_date: Change a date to a random valid date.
    • mask_financial: Mask any financial data or number.
    • anonymize_email: Replaces the name part of the email while leaving the host intact.
    • generalize_age: Generalize ages or numbers.
    • mask: Replace string characters with series of ”*“.
    • anonymize_name: Replace random numeric free strings with strings.


Please find the release here.