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Merging `RSSD`s

surveilr provides the ability to merge multiple RSSDs into one with or without SQLite.

Without sqlite3

The surveilr admin merge prepares the SQL to merge multiple databases into one and executes it automatically creating resource-surveillance-aggregated.sqlite.db (you can override the name using -d).

Terminal window
$ surveilr admin merge --help # explain the `admin merge` subcommand
$ surveilr admin merge # execute merge SQL for all files in the current path
$ surveilr admin merge --candidates "**/*.db" # execute merge SQL for specific globs in the current path

With sqlite3

Generating SQL to merge multiple Resource Surveillance State SQLite Databases into one, inspecting it, and then executing using sqlite3:

Terminal window
$ surveilr admin merge --sql-only
$ surveilr admin merge --candidates "**/*.db" --sql-only
$ surveilr admin merge --candidates "**/*.db" -i "x*.db" --sql-only # -i ignores certain candidates
$ surveilr admin merge --sql-only > merge.sql

admin merge --sql-only

Merging multiple database can sometimes fail due to unforseen data issues, you can use sqlite3 to merge multiple databases using surveilr-generated SQL after inspecting it. Here’s how:

Terminal window
$ surveilr admin init -d target.sqlite.db -r \
&& surveilr admin merge -d target.sqlite.db --sql-only \
| sqlite3 target.sqlite.db

The CLI multi-command pipe above does three things:

  1. surveilr admin init initializes an empty target.sqlite.db (-r removes it if it exists)
  2. surveilr admin merge --sql-only generates the merge SQL for all databases except target.sqlite.db; to inspect the SQL you can save it to a file surveilr admin merge -d target.sqlite.db --sql-only > merge.sql.
  3. sqlite3 pipe at the end just executes the generated SQL using SQLite 3 shell and produces merged target.sqlite.db

Once target.sqlite.db is created after step 3, none of the original device-specific RSSDs are required and target.sqlite.db is independent of surveilr as well.