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Techniques for Collecting and Preserving Automated Evidence

Automated Logging

Continuous Capture

  • Definition and Importance
    • Continuous capture involves the automated and ongoing collection of log data from various systems and applications1.
    • Importance: Ensures that every event and action within the system is recorded, providing a comprehensive audit trail for compliance purposes.
  • Implementation
    • Use logging frameworks and tools (e.g., ELK Stack, Splunk) to set up continuous logging.
    • Configure systems to send logs to a centralized logging server.
    • Ensure logs are timestamped and include all relevant details (e.g., user actions, system events).

Continuous Capture
Definition and Importance
Ongoing Collection of Log Data
Comprehensive Audit Trail
Use Logging Frameworks and Tools
Centralized Logging Server
Timestamps and Relevant Details

Tamper-Proof Storage

  • Definition and Importance
    • Tamper-proof storage ensures that once log data is captured, it cannot be altered or deleted without proper authorization2.
    • Importance: Protects the integrity of log data, making it reliable evidence for compliance audits.
  • Implementation
    • Use technologies like blockchain to create immutable logs.
    • Implement write-once-read-many (WORM) storage solutions.
    • Regularly review and update access controls to prevent unauthorized changes.

Tamper-Proof Storage
Definition and Importance
Integrity of Log Data
Reliable Evidence for Audits
Blockchain for Immutable Logs
WORM Storage Solutions
Regular Review of Access Controls

Regular Backups

Secure Storage

  • Definition and Importance
    • Secure storage involves keeping backups in locations that are protected from physical and digital threats3.
    • Importance: Ensures that backup data is available and intact when needed for recovery or audit purposes.
  • Implementation
    • Use encrypted storage solutions for backups.
    • Store backups in multiple locations (e.g., on-premises and cloud) to protect against data loss.
    • Implement strict access controls to limit who can access and modify backup data.

Secure Storage
Definition and Importance
Protected from Threats
Availability and Integrity
Encrypted Storage Solutions
Multiple Storage Locations
Strict Access Controls

Integrity Checks

  • Definition and Importance
    • Integrity checks involve verifying that backup data remains unchanged and uncorrupted over time4.
    • Importance: Ensures that backup data is reliable and can be restored accurately.
  • Implementation
    • Use checksums or cryptographic hashes to verify the integrity of backup files.
    • Schedule regular integrity checks and audits of backup data.
    • Implement automated tools to alert administrators if integrity issues are detected.

Integrity Checks
Definition and Importance
Unchanged and Uncorrupted Data
Reliable Backup Data
Checksums or Cryptographic Hashes
Regular Integrity Checks
Automated Alerts for Issues

Access Controls

Authorized Access

  • Definition and Importance
    • Authorized access ensures that only individuals with the necessary permissions can access sensitive data and systems5.
    • Importance: Protects data from unauthorized access and potential breaches.
  • Implementation
    • Use role-based access control (RBAC) to assign permissions based on job roles.
    • Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to enhance security.
    • Regularly review and update access permissions to reflect changes in personnel and roles.

Authorized Access
Definition and Importance
Permissions for Access
Protection from Unauthorized Access
Role-Based Access Control
Multi-Factor Authentication
Regular Review of Permissions


  • Definition and Importance
    • Confidentiality involves protecting sensitive data from unauthorized disclosure6.
    • Importance: Ensures that sensitive information remains private and is only accessible to authorized individuals.
  • Implementation
    • Encrypt sensitive data both at rest and in transit.
    • Use data masking and anonymization techniques where appropriate.
    • Implement policies and training to ensure employees understand confidentiality requirements.

Definition and Importance
Protection from Unauthorized Disclosure
Privacy of Sensitive Information
Encrypt Data at Rest and in Transit
Data Masking and Anonymization
Policies and Training

Chain of Custody


  • Definition and Importance
    • Chain of custody documentation tracks the handling and movement of evidence from collection to storage and use7.
    • Importance: Ensures that evidence remains untampered and its integrity is maintained.
  • Implementation
    • Record detailed logs of who accessed the evidence, when, and why.
    • Use automated tools to maintain accurate and up-to-date documentation.
    • Regularly audit chain of custody records to ensure compliance.

Definition and Importance
Tracks Handling and Movement
Maintains Integrity
Detailed Access Logs
Automated Documentation Tools
Regular Audits


  • Definition and Importance
    • Accountability involves ensuring that individuals who handle evidence are responsible for their actions8.
    • Importance: Enhances transparency and trust in the evidence management process.
  • Implementation
    • Implement access controls that require authentication and authorization for evidence handling.
    • Use audit trails to track and record all actions taken with evidence.
    • Enforce policies that hold individuals accountable for their actions.

Definition and Importance
Responsibility for Actions
Transparency and Trust
Authentication and Authorization
Audit Trails
Enforce Accountability Policies


  1. “What is Continuous Monitoring?,” StrongDM, accessed July 23, 2024,

  2. “Tamper-proof logs,” The World Bank, accessed July 23, 2024,

  3. “Data Storage Security,” Hypertec Solutions Partner, accessed July 23, 2024,

  4. “Data Integrity,” Imperva, accessed July 23, 2024,

  5. “Only authorised users should have access to data and functionality,” National Cyber Security Center, accessed July 23, 2024,

  6. Christie Rae, “Confidentiality,”, accessed April 16, 2024,

  7. Ashish Badiye; Neeti Kapoor; Ritesh G. M, “Chain of Custody,” National Library of Medicine, accessed February 13, 2023,

  8. “What are our responsibilities in terms of accountability?,” Information Commisioner’s Office, accessed July 23, 2024,