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Release notes for Resource Surveillance (surveilr) 0.10.0

What’s New

  1. Orchestration models
    • devicesurveilr already has a device table but check to see if we need to enhance it.
    • Add a table called orchestration_nature with a orchestration_nature_id TEXT ID primary key (not UUID), required nature TEXT, elaboration JSONB columns
      • Start with a single default row with orchestration_nature_id called V&V and nature called Verification and Validation
      • We will start with one type of “orchestration” called “V&V” and then we will add more later after V&V is done
    • orch_session -> use it as it but call it orchestration_session
      • add a text column called orchestration_nature_id to this table and default it to V&V foreign key above.
    • orch_session_entry -> orchestration_session_entry
    • orch_session_state -> orchestration_session_state
    • orch_session_exec -> orchestration_session_exec
    • orch_session_issue -> orchestration_session_issue

Bug Fixes

  • GitLab Batch Size: The default used to be 20; however, it will now be determined by the --batch-size argument provided.


Please find the release here.