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Release notes for Resource Surveillance (surveilr) 0.11.0

What’s New

  1. Host Binding Customization:

    • The web-ui server now accepts a --host argument to specify the host to which it should be bound, providing more flexibility in deployment.
    • By default, the server binds to localhost instead of
  2. Server Start Message:

    • Updated the server start message to read: “RSSD Web UI is now running on …”, enhancing clarity for users monitoring server status.
  3. SQLPage

    • Updated SQLPage to the latest version, ensuring compatibility and access to the newest features and bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

  1. Ctrl+C Shutdown Error:

    • Resolved the error encountered when stopping the web UI with Ctrl+C, which previously resulted in Error: No such file or directory (os error 2).
  2. SQLPage Directory Creation:

    • Disabled the SQLPage feature that was creating an empty sqlpage directory with each execution, preventing unnecessary directory creation.
  3. Multitenant Support

    • Fixed the error during ingestion related to multitenant support by seeding the party_types back into the models directly.


Please find the release here.