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Release notes for Resource Surveillance (surveilr) 0.9.12

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the default --status argument was set to unread instead of read. Emails can now be properly filtered based on the specified status.

What’s New

  • Reduce Data Duplication Flag: Introduced a new flag --reduce-data-duplication for data transformation commands. This can be executed as such: surveilr transform --reduce-data-duplication csv. When this flag is set:
    • The content table in uniform_resource is nulled out for entries transformed into tables.
    • This change is recorded in the elaboration field.
  • Tracking Transformations: Transformations of CSV or other file types are now tracked within the tables. This provides a clear audit trail of what transformations have been applied in the elaboration field of the transformed columns.


Please find the release here.