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Getting Started

Getting started with surveilr

Resource surveillance (surveilr) is the best way to collect compliance evidence using machine attestation. Surveilr uses machine-generated artifacts—such as code, test results, emails, issues/tickets, and wikis—to clearly verify adherence to security, privacy, safety, and regulatory compliance regulations, in contrast to traditional human attestation methods that rely on trust and manual processes.

The verification procedure is streamlined by surveilr agent, allowing for faster and more accurate information confirmation. This method does away with the have to fill out forms, reply to emails, or take part in lengthy meetings. Compared to traditional human-based approaches, surveilr machine attestation technology offers a dependable and automated way to guarantee policy compliance, greatly boosting security and regulatory adherence.

Adopt surveilr for an automatic, dependable, and quick method of confirming that your company is adhering to important policies.

How to install surveilr

For installing surveilr in your infrastructure, you can check the following sections of our documentation:

  • The Quickstart is an automated way of installing surveilr in just a few minutes.

  • The Installation guide provides detailed instructions on how to install surveilr on different platforms.

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